Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A New Song

Hey, Greg here, surprisingly enough this is my first actual post on the band blog, I've wanted to in the past but have gotten hopelessly sidetracked (as I am wont to get). But I'm here now at long last, so here's an update on things:

Adam continues to work on mixing the songs we recorded in the studio, but since I have a little pocket recorder that I brought to the practice room today (to be honest its pretty much always in the guitar case), I figured that it might not be a bad idea to get a quick and dirty recording of the newest addition to our catalog o'songs to hold our readers/listeners over until we have some of the more polished stuff to post. It doesn't have a title yet--it's funny how sometimes writing the song can be easier than coming up with a title that fits. But in the end, who cares what's its called as long as you think that it sounds good?

Here it is: The New Song

Sunday, December 7, 2008


We are now done with recording until we bring our next set into the studio. Right now we are listening to Adam mix Rainn Wilson. It's pretty awesome. Hopefully we should have some mp3s to post here before you know it.

Live from the studio!

I'm sitting in the studio right now because today we are putting the final touches (hopefully) on the first four songs. First Greg will be recording his vocals and then we'll throw some feedback on A Song for Geoff to Sing and finally throw some backing vocals on Overwrought and Elysion. Then a bit of a final mixdown and we're done. I'll keep coming back to post updates which I guess would make this LIVE BLOGGING!!!!

On another note please check out Kid Omega's new side project Funion. Greg and I had tossed this idea around for a while since we came up with it while we were in New York. On Friday Adam, Greg and I ended up getting locked out of our studio so we went back to our room and starting messing around with recording stuff on Greg's computer. We're pretty psyched about what came out of it so check it out here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Progress Update

So recording got a little derailed by Adam's being sick and then that stupid Thanksgiving thing. But now we're back on track and planning to get right back to it starting Friday. By my count we only have to do Greg's vocals, backing vocals, and a few nit-picky things like feedback and a bass part I forgot. In all probability we will finish this weekend, though now that I've jinxed us into oblivion.....who knows?
In other news, we've been working on a brand new song and things are coming along really well. In retrospect that update doesn't sound that exciting. But hopefully I will have more to say about this song soon when we take it into the studio as part of our second batch of songs to record.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


So it's Halloween and everyone's all havin' fun and stuff. I'm more of a "go on adventures" type than "get crunk" type, so I spent the night pretty much just hanging out. BTW: Greg's Abraham Lincoln costume = fail.

We're recording drum tracks with Adam for our first demo tomorrow, and I'm a little bit nervous; today's (yesterday's?) practice didn't go over so well for me personally, I'm down a ride cymbal, and I've just been in the completely wrong mindset all week. I've spent so much time worrying about auditions and getting work done and then trying to calm down and not stress, I haven't even had time to sit down and listen to music in a whole week.

I've been having a hard time focusing while playing too. Sometimes I'll open my eyes and be shocked that I'm actually partway through a song, just playing on autopilot, not feeling what I'm playing or anything. Is this really good, or really bad?

Anyways, I have a long time to work on drum tracks tomorrow, and I know Greg & Keegan will be there to help me thrown down proper. We'll probably post a little something-something for you, the Interwebbertron, but for now I thought I'd post something almost as sick as the demo will be:

Hiromi- Time Out

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Show recap, recording, odds and ends

So we played the show in Walpole on Friday. To be honest I didn't feel like we were at our best, I know I wasn't, but people were very forgiving and supportive especially since we were playing our little indie rock songs on a bill full of metal and hardcore bands. But we had some good fun, James came along to be a roadie for us and did a hell of a fine job, and we got to witness Sean's fantastic dance moves. Thanks to the three of you who came out to see us and thanks to everyone let us borrow equipment, which would mean James (my guitar amp), Sean's brother Jimmy (Greg's guitar amp) and 'Fatty' from PPI (my bass amp). Special thanks also to the cop working security who found us a drum rug.

In other news, hopefully Saturday we'll be going to the studio to record as much of our original stuff as we possibly can. We will be doing this with the help of Adam Linder. With any luck we'll get the drums done on Saturday and do guitars and bass and vocals on Sunday. Or something like that. I dunno I didn't really pay close attention when I was arranging everything. Essentially we will work until we run out of time or material to record. This means everyone should keep a sharp eye out on our myspace for new stuff to be posted in the next couple of weeks.

Finally, I had odds and ends in mind when I started this post, but at this point I can't remember them for the life of me. One of them was that Sean's brother is coming to jam with us on Friday at practice, so that should be fun. Oh yes, and I wanted to post links to the bands that loaned us equipment, cause they're were both good guys and pretty diesel bands in general:

Sean's Brother's Band:
With No Remorse


Monday, October 20, 2008

Show Friday!!!!1

Hey Guys
We're playing a show with a bunch of other bands in Walpole, MA on Friday. The complete information is on our myspace . Also, we're hoping to get some real recording done soon so keep your eyes on this spot for news of new recordings.